I have lost the habit of reading newspaper. There was time when mom used to scold for not reading newspaper, the reason in particular that my sis wanted to be a journalist, which she did become, but I doubt how reading newspaper helped in that. And there was a time when mom used to shout on us to read the newspaper as we would pick up the tea and land up in balcony reading paper for hours. But now I cant imagine doing that because what runs in mind as soon as I get up is what work I have to do? kapde dhona hai, pata nahi balcony me kabootar ne kya hulchul machaya hoga that I am supposed to clean and what am I supposed to cook? Office me jakar will I be able to relax or am I going to have work there…………too many of them, to think of a Monday morning tires me now. Let me not think about that now, I still have 12 hours for all these thoughts. In fact last to last week I asked newspaper distributor not to put paper as we don’t read it at all, and it directly goes to waste paper bin, but he continued putting. So I on a Sunday picked paper, thinking don’t know how long he will put, so let me read it.
I usually love reading editorial pages as it does contain news, which can be understood even if I don’t know any background. This time I came across an interesting article –Entrance exam for getting married, words may not be same, but essence was this and I was more interested because It was written by a person with surname sahoo and I once had a severe crush on a journalist named sahoo, in an award function where I was a volunteer and he had come there to cover the event. After that whichever office my sister was, I used to tell her, if u come across sahoo, convey my “HI” to him and we would laugh, there are thousands of them in this media field.
So the article had various question that a to-be-bridegroom comes across when he attends a social event. I was like pretty partial article, focusing only on one side of the story. I continued reading and found it contained all the questions he comes across, and few of them which I still retain in my mind was regarding his company and then salary, designation. Followed by question if he had been for any foreign trip and all that. And I was taken to my thoughts? Is this what parent’s look for while getting their daughters married? Yes may be! They have all rights to know, because it’s after all their daughter’s life and they want it to be good. Then I was wondering what are the questions that a to be bride would come across. I never had a personal experience and don’t want to have either because I just don’t understand how two unknown people can spend their lives together, unfortunately I am in that list where I have to but the thought itself gives me shivers and I start trembling. I read the same lines in Namesake yesterday when googol also in the same thoughts, how two unknown people can get married and spend their lives together.
I often divert a lot in my blogs, the topic to be discussed was questions asked to a bride.
Ohkkkk…now let me come to questions
o What have you studied? Yes I am perfectly eligible in that note, I am well read, among the toppers (Want my mark sheets and reports cards since nursery? I have them;-)) I am really sorry when things come to this institution of marriage I become sarcastic or rather sarcasm due to aggressiveness
What else can I be asked?
o Do you know how to cook? No but I know how to drive a car so in case if I cook something so bad, I can rush you to hospital rather than waiting for ambulance. ;-)
o Will you work after getting married? I don’t mind sitting at home but I will drive you crazy, so you would find it better to let me work. And I haven’t studied all these years in my life to sit idle at home obviously, so that’s a nonsense of the questions that can be asked. No I don’t think I will be asked that question.
What else hhmmmm????this is tough to think, thinking questions for normal job interviews was damn easier! Let me think, let me think….
o Sirf Indian dresses pehenti ho ya western bhi?I am beautiful and smart, so I guess I can wear everything(thoda overconfidence hai,i understand, par question bhi thoda aisa sa tha na-HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION) , provided you don’t expect me to be in a saree in a DJ night. I know how to get dressed according to occasions, so you would really not have to bother on that note.
o Will you put up with in-laws? Are you asking me or telling me is what I would want to ask on that. I would always prefer without in-laws because if I am with them, I would feel even more sorry that my parents are living all alone, and why should I give all the happiness to you which my parents are to be given because its ultimately they who has bought me up the way I am ……a question to prove that I have committed a mistake of being born a girl….nahi yaar people are sensible , so they really wouldn’t ask such questions
o One more thing that is crossing across my mind is regarding dowry. I don’t think people in today world ask for this, I watch a lot of movies, so have negative thoughts about arranged marriage from them. But if at all they ask, what will I do? Dialing 100?old style, uncle aunty, sorry, is your son only worth few lakhs or thousands? I wanted him to worth infinite money, which according to you, he is not, so I wouldn’t want such a person. Dowry me aaj kal , tanga toda nahi nahi….what is that yaar? In Tamil? I am not getting that word, haan ….“Waira Todu” diamond earring people ask, they do, very recently I have come across marriages in which they have asked saying its an asset for your daughter only. I was wondering how can a diamond earring be an asset to me? …I wear baby studs even now, my mom gets irritated when go to buy an earring for us, because we go only to the baby stud section and we land up fighting this is too small, but we say that’s what we want!
o Again diverted, let me focus on questions to be asked to bride and not the parents. One more thousand dollar question- did you like the guy…ha ha…I don’t know if he can talk properly, just by the look how can I say he is good? Yes yes he is good but I don’t want to marry him is all what I can say at that point. lol
o Do you want to ask something? Yes thousand of questions, I have a questionnaire prepared (sorry in two years of my MBA, I did prepare only questionnaires), is your son good at written round or in interview. Questions in written are very easy and most of them objective only, so I guess he should pass ;-)!
ARE YOU READY for questionnaire after the long interview that you have taken of mine?;-)