Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Acknowledge Please!

I saw an acknowledgment card on my table for some admission documents I had sent long back. Wondered there were days when people would look forward for acknowledgement for the post or courier they would have sent. For that matter even these days, when we send a message, we wait for the delivery report, which is a form of acknowledgement.

However, in today’s time we receive acknowledgement more often for something that has not been done, than for what’s actually done. Listing few points which came to my mind from the daily life which are not acknowledge when they have been done, rather are acknowledged only when it is not done.

·         When the house cleaner do not come, we scold her the next day, but we she comes regularly, do we ever acknowledge her?
·         Don’t complete your work one day in office, you would definitely get the response from boss, but had you completed it , you may not receive the acknowledgement for the same               
·         Leave your home unclean, and dare if you don’t receive an acknowledgement  from your wife or parents
·         Have your even acknowledged the fact that your mom or wife cooks every day? Let them not do it for a day and you would definitely ask for the reason
·         Do we ever acknowledge sun for shining right on time? But if it doesn’t, we do wonder
·         We do crib if the boss is not good, but have we ever acknowledged them if they are good?
·         Cab comes late and we land up shouting at the driver, but all the times when they come on time, do we ever acknowledge them?
·         When children don’t score good marks, we acknowledge them, but are that same when they score really well?
·         When we have electricity supply throughout at our home , we would be happy, but even for an hour if it is not there during the peak summers, we thank the people concerned :-)
·         You get a gift on your birthday from your beloved, that's usual. But if you don’t receive, it is a point to be acknowledged.

Ironically, wiki defines acknowledgement as “a statement of gratitude for assistance in producing a work”. Shouldn’t it be reverse “a statement of gratitude for not assisting in a work?”

We take lot of things in life for obvious. Things has to happen, according to us, which when doesn’t happen, we feel the difference, however in reality it’s the other way round.