Policy makers are senseless people who think, by putting in more number of hours, they will get more work done from employees. In manufacturing sector- yes I agree, but then they should be policy makers of manufacturing and not an IT company! It makes us work less, as we are unhappy with your increasing hour policies and strict attendance recording systems.
Policy makers should be the people who are actually suffering. Ask a lady who is going to bear a child, or the one who leaves her infant with some caretaker at home to make a policy, she will never make one where employees are asked to spend 9.5 hours at work.
And the best part, those whose job doesn’t require them to be social, those people try to become social. During a peak hour, I am waiting at a signal for more than 20 minutes , close to Rajbhavan of Bangalore and two traffic police are talking forgetting to change the signal from red to green. The road behind has jammed for few kilometers, and people from the end are honking to tell those F******* to change the signal. Finally one biker got down went and yelled at the cop and that’s when the signal changes! Mind it policy makers, they were socializing. Please note socializing is not required for all roles, those who need, let them. Those who don’t can sit at home working and give some relief to the traffic of Bangalore!
Are we really socializing in those 9.5, that they remove the work from home policies also? We made friends in college who help us switch jobs, but we don’t meet them often or on a daily basis. What are we going to get by meeting colleagues on daily basis? Please make one day a week compulsory for all, we might make the best use of that, instead asking us to come every day to socialize.
Policy makers sounds so over confident while changing their policies saying “If you are not happy, please leave the organization. We have thousands waiting out there to join us”. Well if employees are not happy, they are sure to leave. You took time to apply such stringent rules. They will take time to look out for job, and there are thousands of liberal organizations out there waiting for capable employees to join as well.
I recently came across some article which said “Employees leave because of their managers and not an organization”. Well I disagree as poor supervisors also struck in a situation where they have to follow the policies laid by organization; unfortunately they have to enforce them upon their juniors without a choice becoming a ravan like figure in front of the subordinates. At the same time, they have to keep them happy to ensure they do their work. Managers are in a soup! But not all employees understand and they happily leave blaming their seniors!
Policy makers should never be exposed the numbers, as in the profits of an organization. They are not there to save money, but to save people from leaving an organization and help employees grow, so that the organization grows. And finally policy makers should undergo some very difficult EQ(Emotional Quotient) exams than IQ, where they should to examined understand each and every employee emotionally. But then who will make the policy for these exams? It has to be some policy maker! ;)
Note: This blog has no relevance to any person in reality and only the expressions of some random thoughts.