Sunday, December 12, 2010

Analysis of a painting

I guess I can write a blog on every topic of the book Thanks for the Memories!
But I choose to write on the best ones! The earlier one was the emergency number and this one on the analysis of a painting

Justin- the lead of the book describes a painting in which a lady writes a letter with a smiling face and he interprets that the lady must be writing a letter to her lover.

And as usual I was taken away by my thoughts. As the technology has developed, no longer remains the concept of letter, so no longer the smiles on the faces of the writer. No however things have been changed, yet the messages are conveyed even today! The smile was not because of the letter she was writing, but the fact that she was writing to her lover.

So according to today’s generation a lady smiles while typing the message on the mobile, writing a mail is concept which has replaced letters but no longer today’s generation have the time to write mails like it used to happen! But I wonder even if we have the time to write the mails, will that passion which would be expressed in the handwriting of a person seen? The love that would be transmitted by the handwriting no longer can exist.
Ohk without deviating from the topic, lets talk about smile, or conveying the message (its one and the same), talking to the person, which was next to impossible! The world may think the person is mad while they speak but the one who talks have the smile on the face. This explores another facet, earlier we smiled only when we conveyed the message, now also when we receive the message!

Being a painter and a writer, I am wrong to call myself both as I no longer do the first one at all, and neither can I call myself a writer with the blogs that I write that are only for me, however assuming I have a bit of knowledge of the both I am wondering can I portray myself when I am smiling, as I closed my eyes with this thought, I was smiling while writing a blog! Am I conveying the message? To whom? Not surely to the one whom the lady in the painting did!

But I can say I am smiling for the passion with which I am exploring my thoughts. So here I am again wondering was she smiling because of the passion with which she was writing the letter or because she was writing to her lover, or because of the thought that she is conveying the message?

Only the one who has written a letter to the loved one can explain me this fact of smiling while conveying the message!J

Note: Changed the front as that is the handwriting which I can change using the technology, trying to express my passion while conveying the message

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