Saturday, March 19, 2011

Life has to go on!

I wanted to do some thing new, thought to open my account in twitter, well I guess since the time social networking sites have come, we have switched to next as and when time moves ahead.

During my graduation I joined orkut, believe me first spelling I had typed to search orkut was aurkut, someone spelled that ways I got it half and decided to search. Then I joined facebook in my post graduation, in first year, I didn’t understand wasn’t operating the account much and focus was on orkut, yet I managed to open at times and understand, then as and when all my friends joined facebook, I understood, how it works and it became a daily routine, at times it also was an addiction, I guess addiction to orkut was more, and facebook was just to know what’s happening with friends, but not so keen about things.

Then today when I was going through the tweets learning how twitter works, came across an interesting article, of a person separated from a person very close to her, and how she tries to overcome the person, I guess it was a break up and she tries all possible methods to forget him, wondering why did he leave her. I was really stressed out reading until I read the last line which stated “ he gave me the best gift to me finally, he gifted me to myself” which bought in smiles on my face.

I wonder at times, we get so obsessed with things and people that we tend to forget ourselves, but at the same time, we change ourselves so much for the person that it becomes to find one’s real self after few years of time, the slang’s, the habits, the routine, is all used to according to people that it is difficult to change. I wonder how difficult it is to digest a fact that a person very close to you is dead, as that also ends up all the hopes of going back or getting back the person again in your life.

I have a strong faith in god so everything that I do, I believe “god made me do that”, well that’s a good excuse, but that applicable when good as well as the bad things happens, I can never say I am the reason of it, so I often land up asking god, when people are to be separated, why do they meet in life, when I have to be dead one day, why was I born? When I have to quit some thing, why at the first go, I did it, and not realizing that I cant sustain myself, that’s applicable for a job, for making friends and everything in life.

Often people say “ change is the only constant”, easy to say, difficult to understand, change for good, is acceptable, change for bad is not acceptable, when it had to change, why did it happen is what I wonder. The intensity of the change also makes a bigger difference, there are some changes in life, which is irreversible, and getting adapted to change is another face of concept. Level of adaptability differs from every individual, it easy for a person to break up and say “ I am breaking up” as the person can adapt to the change and accept it as soon as the things happen, but at the same time, it may not be by other person as in the case of the article I read.

But at the same time, positive attitude plays a huge role in lives. Optimism and pessimism, person who breaks up is pessimist, as they are sure that they cant go ahead with this, or rather their pessimistic attitude makes them feel so, and the one deals with it is highly optimistic as they have hopes to build, they search happiness in the broken relationship, remembering the happy memories and time spent together. They have their own expectation; they still want the happiness of the other person, so on and so forth. So I believe who faces the breaks in life has more courage and faith towards life, which will bring them up than those who run away from commitments and responsibilities.

Beyond this all there is another thought that’s going on my mind is, when I have to give my approval for a change to happen, then how do I deal with it. For example, when a person relocates for a job, willingly or due to circumstances, when a person is going to say yes for a person to get married to realizing that one has to spend their lifetime with them, without even knowing how the person will be, when a person has to leave the passion willingly because they want to do it for someone beloved, or when one has to part from another person for the happiness of the person like a mother sends a child to school, knowing the insecurities child will face in school, but she knows its for the child’s life. How do I approve for things, which I don’t want to happen?

So finally three situations arise,
1) Things happen because of someone else
2) Things happened which could not be stopped by anyone but the supreme power
3) Things happened because we approved for it

I believe the worst is the third situation, but as I said in my first paragraph, we have to move on with time, like I changed from orkut to facebook and twitter, I have to move on in life, and I have to approve for things, because life has to go on!!!!

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