Sunday, December 26, 2010

Learning’s from my life

·If you ask a person not to do something, they are sure to do it.
·If you tell your friend that’s my enemy, the friend will become enemy’s friend
·If you have an option, you would always think about the second, later realizing the first was better
·Its better to do head on collision with fear than to be scared about doing things
·Its better to accept the mistake and be relieved than not to admit and remain stressed
·When you aren’t comfortable at the first go, never think things will get better with time, it is sure to get worse
·Attitude please! Simplicity is considered foolish
·A person succeeds in life only after he fails in love
·A challenge can make your life or ruin your life (I fall in the first category)
·Guys never mean what they say, because they themselves don’t understand what they say
·Real life can never be like reel life! (Thought life would be like alaipayuthey and landed in Chennai)
·Guys cant understand words, so slap them and say “you are wrong”
·If other’s are jealous of you, be sure that you are on the right path and you are successful (courtesy-lavi’s friend)
·Its very easy to break the things, but difficult to make the things
·Silence between two people will not bring them near, rather take them so far that things can never be reverted back, so please say things, I cant imagine what you mean
·You greatest friend today will be your enemy tomorrow.
·Parent’s love can never be equated to any other people! (Applicable only to emotional person, not for an insensitive, I again fall in first category)
·If you have the capability, you have it! If you don’t have, you can never get it
·If you hit the wall, it will hurt you, not the wall
·I have not given you the right to hurt me or my family, if you do, you will be hurt more than me (us)
·Hard work is the key to success, smart workers think they are smart, but soon they are proved wrong.
·There is never a short cut to success
·I have the power to make my own destiny
·If you think you will sit and you can change your destiny, you actually are, by making your life worse, which other way would have been good.
·I always regret for what I have done, only in short run, in long run, I laugh at my regrets, if you don’t you aren’t a human
·Should keep the professional and personal life as two different things!
·Your weakness is your strength, and your strength is your weakness, one tends to become overconfident while displaying the strengths
·If I can adjust according to you, I can adjust not according to you!Beware!:-)

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