Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Cloud for Human Emotions and Brain Data

For last 15 days, all that I have been hearing is Cloud! Cloud! Cloud! Well not literally the 15 days, but for a long time which reminds me that, to get into the infrastructure team, my assignment was to create a flyer on cloud computing services 2 years back.

But for last 15 days I was eventually dreaming cloud in my dreams because of the deal I was working on or could be because of the cloudy weather of Bangalore, I don’t know. God, it rains every day without a miss. No let me not divert to rain, it’s about the cloud today.

There was a point when I was really tired while working. At the last minute of my submission timeline while flipping through multiple excel sheet, I started working on the wrong file thinking that was the final sheet. AH AH AH! Thanks to the version control practice of saving the document that I went back to the last one and once again had to make all the changes at the Nth hour.

Along with some personal thoughts running at the back of my mind, I realized the chai wallah bhaiya in my office was luckier than me as he was enjoying his holiday. Well that means, I don’t get a tea. Ahem! Ahem! With my never give up attitude, I went around office checking the coffee vending machines and found them to be switched off too. Coffee vending machines needs a break and gets their holiday too!:p! With desperate need of “tea” thoughts in my mind, I go back to work thinking I will handle the tea issue later.

That’s when the thought struck me "Can’t I have a cloud to store my emotions and data? Why can’t I transfer all my brain data and the emotions to cloud ,Can't I use only what is needed?"

Listing down the features and benefits of having a cloud for human emotions and brain data (now that sounds like a line from RFP document)

Productivity gain: - Imagine the level of productivity that brain would have? The speed with which brain would now process the data would be far better as we can bring down the related data on which we are working when we begin the work. Pay as we use our own data? Brain need not scan all the data but only the relevant ones. Sounds cool!

No storage limit: - Even now there is no constraint in human brain storage capacity, but then thinking of the human brain capacity gives me shiver. We talk about big data and organizations struggle to store the minimal data. Though transferring the human brain data to cloud would be a great memory booster, but on what ground are the kids going to write the exams in a country like India where all we learn is “Ratta maar” during the school and college days. We wouldn’t struggle to remember the mathematics formula or biology terminologies. Download, write the exams and put it back on cloud!

Paas, Saas, Iaas and now Eaas: - That’s Emotion As A Service. I use only the emotions that I would need. I know I am going to a party; I download all emotions related to party control. Super security and situation control of emotions that would be. I guess husbands and guys would then find a way to hack the cloud and delete the cry or nag emotion from their wife or GFs cloud. Lol. I want to be excited I can, I want to be sad, I am only sad. No chance of mixed emotions.

Public cloud/ private cloud or hybrid cloud: - well to transfer the human emotions and data, we would definitely need private cloud, but yes something that we want to share, we can leverage public cloud for that. That would save cost and no more would we need google to search data. It would all be available in the public cloud, search whatever you want.

Pricing benefits: - we may wonder why do I need to pay to save my own data? Better to pay now to transfer the data and emotions to cloud rather than facing medical issues in future and spending on the medical bills.

Who is going to manage these cloud:- Like the IT based companies, we would then have more cloud selling companies which would business to customer (B2C)selling rather than business to business(B2B). We will sell cloud accounts like how we sell savings accounts in banks now. And these organizations in turn would manage the cloud; handle the back up and security issues.

Everything comes with a challenge, so would be this solution

Challenge number 1: Handling the downtime would be an issue
Imagine a situation when a friend is in a severe need of you and is crying badly, and your sad and counselling related emotions are on a cloud and your vendor is doing some change management activities. You are unable to use your cloud. Your friend cries and you keep laughing at that!!! So that’s why you should choose the best organization and read all policies before buying your cloud.

Challenge number 2: Need a Service Desk to handle the calls
Imagine a second situation. You read all mathematical formulas related things before the CAT exam and was on cloud. The day before your exam, the network crashes. Not just for your but many. All try to download at the same time. You call the helpdesk to scream and they say we are fixing the network and CAT gets over by that time… would say brain was better.

Challenge number 3: Cloud burst
A physical device to store data can crash. Imagine the cloud burst in the technology terms. I wonder if that’s possible, but not impossible either .But do my brain have the choice to crash? Whatever it is , it has to work whether it is to express the emotions or to think of some real time work.

Now that you have read the blog, please use your brain to understand that this would never happen. Please smile (express your emotions which you do not have in cloud) and get back to your work!